Connectivity Menu Report.jpg (87492 bytes) Connectivity map Z score.jpg (52042 bytes) Volume conduction-2.jpg (43369 bytes) Cospectrum-Quadspectrum.jpg (60679 bytes)


Currently available is cortical connectivity from 171 electrode combinations in a single display.   Use the latest techniques to analyze coherence, phase differences, correlation, cross-spectrum, co-spectrum, quad-spectrum, bi-spectrum and phase reset.


Evaluate volume conduction and zero phase lag, independent of volume conduction.    Quantify the magnitude of coupling between different brain regions at different frequencies and examine in detail the important phenomena of phase reset.  Download "Hand Calculator Calculations of EEG Coherence, Phase and Connectivity" for more details.


Soon to be released is a new Brain Synchrony Map that combines Phase Shift Duration, Phase Lock Duration, Coherence and Phase Differences.  





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