Download the Latest Release of NeuroGuide - NG-2.8.7

(Depending on the software, You may need to DISABLE your Internet Security Software before Downloading.)

Fill out the Form below and then click Submit.  You will then receive and email via the email address you provided on the form.  Click on the download link to download the latest NeuroGuide.

After downloading the NeuroGuide installation .zip file in a folder on your computer.   REMEMBER TO SAVE and BACKUP THE .zip FILE so you can Reinstall NeuroGuide in the Future.  Then Extract All... or Unzip the .zip file and SAVE THE INSTALLATION FILES IN THE SAME FOLDER.

Before installing NeuroGuide, disable all your Anti-Virus and/or Malware/AdWare Software. Then double click the setup.exe to install the latest version of NeuroGuide.   Uninstall the old NeuroGuide if  the installation stops and says NeuroGuide will not be installed.

Allow the default installation location of c:/Program Files/NeuroGuide (for Windows XP or earlier) or c:/Program Files (x86)/NeuroGuide (for Windows Vista, 7, 8 or later) for optimal performance.   The pass Key B file, montage selections and preferences will be saved with each new version of NeuroGuide.    Then Open or Launch NeuroGuide.  

After launching NeuroGuide and after accepting the Copyright Agreement, then copy and paste the Key A into an email to   After purchase then a single-user Key B software code will be issued to unlock NeuroGuide.

After activating NeuroGuide learn more from the Tutorial inside of the NeuroGuide Manual by clicking Help > NeuroGuide Manuals. 


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