Advantages of NeuroGuide**
* = NeuroGuide
Dynamic Normative EEG Comparisons in real-time during editing *
Automatic Artifact Rejection with Manual Editing Capability *
Multiple EEG File Imports Calibrated by Microvolt sine waves *
Instantaneous Split-Half Reliability and Test Re-Test Reliability *
Eyes Open and Eyes Closed Lifespan Norms for different common and bipolar references *
Compute EEG Coherence, Phase Delays, Amplitude Asymmetry & Power *
Export to the Key Institute LORETA Equation & Talairach Atlas *
Time Domain Output Files Formatted for Easy Import to LORETA Key Inst. *
EEG Filter Selections - Band pass, band stop, hi-pass and low-pass flexible settings *
Tab Delimited Output Files for easy importing into other programs *
Single channel examination with a mouse click and joint-time-frequency-analyses (JTFA) *
Raw or Edited EEG Printouts of Different Montage Selections for Conventional EEG Analyses *
FFT using a 0.5 Hz resolution and 1 Hz Color Maps from 1 to 50 Hz *
Export edited EEG in Lexicor file format and EDF and ASCII *
FFT Normative Power Ratios and Peak Frequency in Different Bands *
Multiple Color Topographic Maps *
Select from Different Topographic Map Colors and Z Score Ranges *
Joint-Time Frequency-Analysis (JTFA) for Time and Frequency Analyses of EEG *
Dynamic Time-Frequency Z Scores to Facilitate Visual Examination of the EEG *
Time Domain LORETA Z Scores for the Localizing Sharp Waves and Conventional EEG Features *
Automatic Eye Movement and Drowsiness Detection Routines *
NeuroStat package - Pre vs. Post treatment analysis & group comparisons - add on (to the base price)
NeuroBatch programs for automatic processing of large numbers of EEG files - add on
Mild Head Injury Discriminant Function and TBI EEG Severity Index - add on
Learning Disability Discriminant Function - add on
LORETA normative databases - eyes open and eyes closed - birth to 82 years - add on
LORETA Statistics - Paired t-tests, independent t-tests, group t-tests, descriptive statistics - add on
Brain Performance Index - Prediction of Neuropsychological test scores - add on
LORETA Brodman area statistical hypotheses prior to computing LORETA - add on
LORETA 3-Dimensional Source Correlations Between 88 Bordmann Areas - add on
LORETA 3-Dimensional Coherence Between 88 Bordmann Areas - add on
LORETA 3-Dimensional Phase Differences Between 88 Bordmann Areas - add on
Phase Reset and Phase Shift Duration and Phase Lock Duration - add on
Bi-Spectral Analyses with Cross-Frequency Correlations from 1 to 50 Hz - add on
Bi-Spectral Analyses of Instantaneous Power, Coherence, Phase Lag and Phase Reset - add on
Z Score Surface EEG Biofeedback - add on
LORETA Z Score EEG Biofeedback - add on
Symptom Checklist to Link Symptoms to Functional Networks in the Brain - add on
Brain Surfer - Real-Time 3D source and Network Dynamics - add on
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