NF2 is 3-Dimensional LORETA Z Score
Neurofeedback ($2,500): Z Score LORETA biofeedback
of Brodmann areas in the brain,
"Hubs", "Modules" and
"Default Mode Network" and 3-dimensional locations registered to a reference
MRI. Includes 'Live' LORETA Coherence & Phase Differences
from 88 Brodmann areas. The neurofeedback protocol is based on a
Check List combined with LORETA Z scores measured during a QEEG analysis to aid in
linking patient's symptoms and complaints to functional specialization in the
brain. NF2 also requires purchasing the Acquisition Module
List of Amplifiers that can be used with the
Surface and LORETA NFB modules:
Advanced Brain Monitoring
B-Alert X24
ANT eegosport
BrainAmp MR (available
for certain models -
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